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Reality Twister

Harris, Paul & Fiedler, Lubor

(Based on 3 reviews)
A spectator examines your new experimental "Reality Twister." It bears a remarkable resemblance to a normal hunk of clear plastic, about the size of a credit card. The spectator also looks over a pen ...which bears a remarkable resemblance to a normal hunk of pen. Your giddy-with-anticipation spectator holds the pen on her open palm as you hold the clear Reality Twister lens just above the pen so she can see the pen directly through the lens.

You give the lens a twist ...and the center of the pen becomes transparent ...and then completely invisible! She can even see right through her spread fingers where the pen was a moment ago. Another twist of the Twister and the missing center of pen suddenly becomes visible!

You then slowly twist the Reality Twister and in full view the center of the pen visibly distorts ...then melts itself into an extreme twist!!! Your astonished spectator immediately examines the deformed balloon doggie pen. There's no explanation ...except that the Reality Twister is not a thing you'd want near any of your favorite body parts.

No switches, no extra pieces, uses just the one pen ...which you or the spectator can write with before and after the effect. No reset ...The Reality Twister is always ready to go!

And now for the really wonderful part ...the entire effect actually happens on the spectator's open palm. You never touch the pen during the mutations. You just give the clear plastic lens a little twist and the center of the pen visibly vanishes, reappears then melts into a twist!

Comes gimmick, pen and detailed instructions.


Rick Kancilja

Sep 12, 2013

I bought 3 of these just before they went off the market. I love this trick. No one has ever guessed how it is done.
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Brad Henderson

Official Reviewer

Jan 29, 2003

I was really looking forward to Reality Twister's arrival. I'm a big fan of both Lubor and Paul, so I was excited to see what they came up with in tandem.

The product arrived, I read the instructions, I did it for myself and went..."oh, I suppose that'll sell at the magic shop".

BUT I promised I would never review a product without trying it for real people.

Enter real person #1, the waitress at the restaurant at which I was playing with the newly arrive Twister. The pen goes into her hand, the middle disappears, she thinks its cool. Not amazing, but interesting. Just what I thought, the trick is a dud.

Then when I reveal the twist in the pen, she goes nuts. "Oh my God! How the F@#K!"


Innocent bystander #2. Vanish of the middle, so so. Twisty pen, total freak out.

See, to me I thought from the advertisements that the cool part would be the vanish. The fact is, lay people know its some weird optical illusion because, well it looks like an weird optical illusion. But the twist, that to them is magic.

I'm glad I tried this out, it really is a good trick. And there are many wonderful possibilities for the twister. Spoon bending, a no brainer. Linking objects together by first "opening" a hole in one of the objects, now we're going somewhere.

The twister lens could become the next woofle dust of magic, a weird object that is the impetus for the magic effect. Unlike woofle dust, there is a visual and intelligent rationale for its use.

As for the enclosed routine, its good. But the pen is cheesy. I understand that making it was a bitch, but I would love to see a "bonus pack" with a nice pen become available.

How to rate this? It has 4 1/2 star, maybe even 5, potential for someone who exploits the possibilities of the twister. The trick as it stands would be an easy 4 star if the pen were nicer. As such I'll give it a 3.5. Its good, but I still don't think many people will either add this to their working repertoire or show it more than a few times to either their magic buddies or favorite laypeople because the pen gives it too much of that magic shop "tricky trick" feel to it.

Brad Henderson
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Jan 25, 2003

This is probably a good trick for kids but if you want to try and fool an adult with this you've got to try really hard!
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