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Magic Bandz

Robin Bernard

Taiwan Ben

(Based on 1 review)
"There are wonderful rubber bands that have so much potential"
- Joe Rindfleisch

Straight from the mind of Robin Bernard and Taiwan Ben, Magic Bandz is the ideal tool to integrate mentalism into your rubber band routines.

Magic Bandz offers you an unexpected and surprising effect without any effort.

Involve one or more spectators and the magic happens directly in their hands.


Imagine that a rubber band can take the shape of the card your spectator is thinking of without even touching it. This is now possible and even very easy.

At the end of your rubber band routine, ask several spectators to hold a rubber band taut between their fingers. Have them choose a card in total secrecy and in a few moments rubber bands will take the shape of their card.

Magic Bandz is a versatile tool that can be used in magic with a beautiful transformation effect. But fits just as well into your mentalism routine as a surprising revelation that will leave a mark on your audience.

  • A set of 21 rubber bands
  • Online tutorial


Official Reviewer

Apr 04, 2024


Magic Bandz by Robin Bernard and Taiwan Ben is a bag of 21 custom style rubber bands which are used as a utility item. Their sole purpose is to reveal a thought of card or number. Some performers may salivate over a rubber band being used for a revelation, but it seems like a very contrived way of revealing a card. Why would a performer ask a participant to stretch a rubber band while watching a card trick and all the while stand in this awkward position? Or in another case, hold the band in their clenched fist and then rub it between the palms of their handz (see what I did there) to reveal their thought of card? As artificial as it may be, as Eugene Burger said “Magic is a house with many rooms”.


The performer asks a participant to hold a rubber band outstretched between both hands. He then proceeds to perform a card trick. The participant is asked to say stop while the performer Hindu Shuffles the cards. The participant says stop, and the card stopped on is revealed. The participant is then asked to relax the rubber band which when relaxed turns into the chosen card.


The method of course is to have an arsenal of specially produced rubber bands and the use of some simple force such as the Hindu force. Other than choosing the proper band to deploy and some basic card handling skills there is very little to this minor miracle.

Product Quality

What you receive are 21 custom rubber bands. The bands consist of all values between Ace to King, the four suits and four force cards. The rubber bands are your average rubber band quality. With the package there is a video tutorial about 9 minutes long. Bernard explains some basic handling and offers a couple of performance suggestions. For some reason there is no way to control the video. As soon as the tutorial page comes up it starts playing with no sound. You have to click on a button to hear the sound. There is no way to pause or restart the video except to exit out and reenter the URL. The video is basic at best, but so is the routine.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy extolls the virtues of this amazing magic revelation which is a bit over the top. It is just a rubber band for the love of Pete! Other than the over the top claims of how amazed the audience would be, the ad copy is accurate.

Final Thoughts

$25 for a handful of rubber bands is WAY overpriced. One of the original versions of this trick marketed under the same name was $3.25 for 12 bandz. The current asking price multiplied out is four times the original asking price. Considering the instructional is the most basic it can get, I would say that this is a very steep price for the nominal effect it is.
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