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(Based on 2 reviews)
Deflect is portable, self-contained on the case and doesn't affect your everyday card use. The performer draws something on cello of the playing card case. And before the spectators' eyes. the writing changes and when they think the miracle is over, the writing changes back! The performer will erase the writing with his finger to show it's completely clean. The spectator can even touch the cello! On top of that the writing or marking is fully customizable and it's also able to be INSTANTLY RESET after each performance.

Deflect is always ready to go whenever you want it, It is a MUST HAVE for your deck of playing cards.
  • Visual Magic
  • Fully Customizable
  • Revelation Created In front of spectator, changed, and wiped away right after


Jake Lundgren

Mar 01, 2022

First off, this is a really neat effect. It is a self contained way to make writing and drawings appear, change or disappear on the side of the card box. The gimmick will not interfere with the cards, so you can have it ready to go anytime during your set. And most importantly, this gets a great reaction from the audience. Watch the trailer, it really does look that good live and in person.
While I do love the effect, for me the trick is lacking as a whole. First off, I find it a bit awkward to have to write on the side of the box, it would seem so much more natural to write it on the back. Speaking of the box, this trick is designed to be done with the old-style bicycle boxes. (he does include an old box with the DVD though, which I thought was a nice touch.) Plus, it is taught on the DVD how to edit a new box so that it will work. It's just gonna take some arts and crafts. Lastly, my biggest problem with DEFLECT is how fragile the gimmick is. I tried adding this to my set for a little bit, but I discovered that just carrying it around in your pocket can damage the gimmick quite easily. This was the largest "turn off" for me because, while making the gimmick is not difficult, it's not worth making it before every show.

The DVD is fairly short and utilizes subtitles, no speaking. Included is 10 gimmicks, and an old style card box.

Overall, I enjoy the effect, but I believe is impractical for real world situations, however a perfect illusion for a show real or an online video.
(Top ▲)
There has been a lot of bashing going on about this product and I can see why, but I am not sure it is completely justified.

As far as the product goes, you get 10 gimmicks, a normal Bicycle card box (flat) and a well-produced DVD. The menu is very nicely laid out, easy to navigate and easy to understand. You have a 'Play All' option or a chapter-by-chapter option.

The first section describes what you get with the DVD and what you will need to make the gimmick. You are then shown exactly how to make the gimmick. There are no verbal instructions anywhere on the DVD - it is purely visual with text descriptions of the details. As such, the text is very clear and well-written so it is easy to follow and understand.

The set up for the gimmick will take some patience to make sure things line up right or rather that they line up smoothly without wrinkles. Once you make the gimmick it should last for a while but you will eventually need to make another one. You get 10 of the necessary gimmicks but there is no mention of whether refills will be available or if they are. I could not find them on any of the dealer sites as of this writing.

The method of this effect is very easy to do and you can do exactly what you see in the trailer and read in the ad copy. It is rather clean, it can be done surrounded and though the DVD does not show you how, with a little bit of thought and routining, if you wish you can even hand out the box and the deck as a souvenir with the final writing on it permanently. If you do the effect as shown, it instantly resets itself. The only thing you have to think about is not only the messages you want to use on the card case, but WHY you use the card case. You have to find your own way of justifying that.

The production quality of the DVD is top-notch with very good video quality, the music is not too loud, the teaching is very clear and easy to understand and the method is very doable. The effect itself happens instantly without cover and is very visual.

If you like what you see in the trailer, you will already be able to see how versatile this can be and will likely find multiple uses for it.

4 stars.
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