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Coin Thru Nose

Sutter, Tyler

The Magic Estate

(Based on 1 review)
"Coin Thru Nose is the most believable yet incredible piece of geek magic you can do!"
- Anton James

Are you ready for something truly shocking. A coin is marked for identification, paced on the tongue, swallowed, and moments later, to your audiences shock and delight, the coin is pulled right out of your nose! First Tyler Sutter of the 20 Penny Circus shares with you his perfected stand up handling, staging, and routine that he has used hundreds of times on the largest stages at some of the largest entertainment venues in the world. Then Lonnie Lyerla will show you additional handlings that are perfect for close up situations, including a killer vanish. These effects are so good that your audience will not know that they are only an illusion. The most believable yet incredible piece of geek magic you can do, this is Coin Thru Nose!

- Simple and shocking to do.
- In their face handling for Close Up.
- Packs small plays big stand up handling.


Stuart Philip

Official Reviewer

Nov 21, 2014

Coin Thru Nose will freak you out. It will also make your audience cringe uncomfortably when they witness this routine. This bizarre trick is not for every performer, but it will stun any audience. In fact, in furtherance of full disclosure, after watching this excellent instructional DVD (twice) I decided against trying this shocking method and effect. Truth be told, I am willing to try a lot of things but prying a quarter out of my nostril with medical forceps is not one of them – and the quarter actually comes out of your nose in the end of the routine. Because of the method, the DVD starts off with a warning: “this DVD is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18…there is a potential risk of injury…buyer assumes full responsibility…for any ill effects…”

The Coin Thru Nose DVD teaches two methods; placing a marked quarter in your mouth and then removing a marked quarter with a hemostat (a long surgical instrument that looks like a scissor) from your nose and an alternate method in which the audience sees you place a signed dime in your eye (yes, your eye) and after some painful contortions, having a signed dime drop out of your nose. The effect in both is disturbing and unbelievably amazing.

The DVD production and instruction is very good, very detailed and painfully specific. It covers all questions that you could possibly have. The first handling in which the spectator seemingly swallows a marked quarter and then removes it from his nose with the hemostat is taught by Tyler Sutter (with Jeff Kaylor acting as the videographer). Anton James joins Sutter and prepares for and removes the quarter from his nose for the first time. The second handling in which the audience sees a dime (signed or unsigned) being placed in the performer’s eye and then drops out of his nostril is performed and explained by Lonnie Lyerla. Both effects are great. In fact, there is a good likelihood that your audience will not see it as a magic trick, but an inexplicably strange reality.

Dr. Jeremy Weiss was credited as the inspiration for Coin Thru Nose which is appropriate as the fundamental idea here is the exact idea that Weiss published, although the routine and patter are different. Ben Seidman is credited for iVanish and Joshua Jay is credited for his watch vanish.

The promotional video does not really demonstrate the effect and seems more like a trailer for a horror movie with bloody torture scenes in it. The ad copy is accurate when it says that the effect is “truly shocking,” but it would be more accurate if it said that the audience sees the performer swallow a coin, rather than the coin “is placed on the tongue and swallowed.” This trick is not hard to do, you just have to be willing to do it.

Despite the fact that I did not audience test this trick myself, as I always do, I give it high rating based upon my clear understanding of the method and the 100 percent guaranteed results. This is a great trick for those willing to delve into the bizarre world.
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