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Space Shifter

Lawrence, Nicholas

SansMinds Productionz

(Based on 2 reviews)
Space Shifter is a piece of extremely visual eye candy. The visual is so strong, even perform with no presentation, spectators freak out every single time!

Imagine getting your spectator to select a card and sign it. A corner of the card is torn off for the spectator to keep in one hand. Your spectator holds onto the card in the other hand. With a snap of the finger, the 'space' of the missing corner visually jumps to the center of the signed card. The corner your spectator is holding, also changes to fit into the 'space'.

A strong card effect that talks to your audience across language barriers. Perfect for close up, strolling, or loud environments where you need to capture audience attention in the matter of seconds.

Look no further, this is Space Shifter.


Stuart Philip

Official Reviewer

Feb 08, 2015

Space Shifter is one of three recent Nicholas Lawrence creations released by Sans Mind Magic.

In Space Shifter, the spectator picks a card as the performer is riffling through a deck of cards. It is signed and the performer apparently rips the corner of the card and hands it to the spectator. As the spectator pulls the card from the performer’s hands, the torn corner instantly visually appears, where it was visibly absent a moment earlier, and a hole that matches the torn piece of the card that the spectator is holding astonishingly moves to the middle of the card.

This trick comes with a DVD, which gives clear instruction on how to build the necessary gimmicks to perform this trick. The gimmicks only take a few minutes to make and you will need some supplies that you will likely already have if you have made some simple gimmicks before.
You can repeat this trick with different cards, but will need to do some pre-strolling gimmick making to accomplish different cards. The card with the hole in it is a great souvenir. I have found that spectators react very strongly to this effect.

If you like the promotional video, you will like this trick. It is fair and accurate. Although the ad copy may not be technically accurate, it is accurate in that it describes what the spectator sees and believes they see.

Although this trick is easy to perform, you should practice it for a short while so the movements are fluid and so you don’t flash anything that will ruin the illusion, because there are some angles to be careful of with Space Shifter. Also, I would not perform this trick in the brightest of rooms because the gimmick may be more visible in intense light. However, this trick is all about the presentation and patter and you will be able to misdirect your spectators from the things that could expose the method.

I highly recommend Space Shifter.

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Doc Johnson

Official Reviewer

Dec 31, 2014


This is a very ingenious routine. What makes it so special is that it creates a souvenir that I think the participant will likely hold onto.

The instruction is very good and very much to the point as most Sansminds products. It is not a long DVD, with around 30 minutes of instruction


Of course, the corner that they hold is from the middle of the card, not the corner of the card. Therefore, the back side is not going to have a white edge if you are using cards such as bicycle with a white border. The instruction discusses the psychology of this issue as well as different ways to handle this. I don’t think this is an issue at all, in fact it is part of the excitement of performing magic in using your ability to alter your spectators thoughts, creating a suspension of belief.


Excellent routine and very good instruction


Think about the value of the souvenirs you give away. Many magicians believe that anything they give out as a result of a good magic trick will be a treasured souvenir. While sometimes that is true, often it is not.

Sometimes you can combine a couple different routines and create a very special souvenir. Here is a suggestion:

Do Spaceshifter second to last in your set. Then do String Theory by Vince Mendoza. Tie the resulting restored string from String Theory to the hole from Spaceshifter and give it away as an inspirational bookmark.

One more thing to try: Try tearing out the corner in somewhat the shape of a heart.
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