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James Biss

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Nikola Tesla was a world-renowned Serbian-American inventor and physicist who is best known of his revolutionary work in the field of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th century. Telsa's patents and theoretical work form the basis of modern alternating current electrical power systems (AC) - including the AC motor which helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution.

He was probably first introduced to most magicians in the recent film "The Prestige" as a character portrayed by Davie Bowie. In the United States, Tesla's fame in the scientific community probably rivals that of any other inventor or scientist in history or popular culture. After his demonstration of wireless communication in 1893 and after being the victor in the "War of Currents", he was widely respected as America's greatest electrical engineer. Much of his early work pioneered modern electrical engineering and many of his discoveries were of groundbreaking importance.

Today, James Biss has finally revealed his application of Tesla's revolutionary Wireless Impulse Technology for the first time - with incredible results! You'll receive harmless but distinct sensations to the right and left side of your body, secretly delivered to you from your accomplice in the audience. These impressions can be delivered from as much as 100 feet away - silently and with perfect clarity - even through walls. It's as if Tesla himself were giving you a tap on the shoulder to guide you around the room or to discreetly inform you of what's occurring behind your back! Lighter sensations. Stronger sensations. Longer sensations. Shorter sensations. Combined sensations. Countless combinations and variables from an innocent looking wireless pager tucked away on you and a set of keys in the audience.

TeslaVision costs hundreds of dollars less than anything available to pros today and yet it does the job silently and reliably as never before. The package comes complete with an astonishing unconditional warranty.

The possibilities for professional mentalism masterpieces are endless. Included in the 15 page illustrated booklet however are four powerful effects, routined for maximum entertainment value in the style of James Biss' other best selling works. These valuable routines include:

PARANORMAL TOUCHING: Tapping sensations from spectator's shoulders without coming anywhere near them - really!

PYROTECHNIC PSYCHOMETRICS: Psychometry and more behind your back - with your eyes closed!

NEEDLE IN YOUR HAYSTACK: Finding spectator's keys or hidden envelopes concealed in the audience - in the show closing tradition of the Amazing Kreskin!

DREAM DATE REVISITED: The now classic divination of Person and Place and Setting on stage, but with pocket sized guidance.

These routines alone will be gold in the world of psychic entertainment.

You'll carry this pocket-sized technology in your glove box of your car and create stage-sized blockbuster entertainment! With your eyes closed, because there's...