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Drawing on May 1st, 2024

Deck-aid Video

Mark Leveridge

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In this 35 minute video Mark Leveridge shows you clearly and succinctly exactly how to handle the DECK-AID gimmick in order to get the most from it.

The tape is split into easily found sections which are labelled and cross- referenced to the DECK-AID booklet.

Mark works through the various handlings and routines featured in the book and then finishes with three items not in the book which you can try out and play around with.

As a product taken on its own, the viewer will be able to make up their own DECK-AID gimmicks and try out the routines. Bought together with the DECK- AID booklet, this video makes the perfect partner and quickly gets you up and running. Clearly filmed and carefully edited, this tape will help anyone interested in DECK-AID.