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Escape Artist Show

Harlan, Dan

L&L Publishing

(Based on 1 review)
The Escape Artist Show on this volume features all of the excitement and compelling mysteries of escape work and packs it into a case that you can bring into any venue and perform it for audiences large and small. Though all of the effects center on the central theme of escapes, there's a wide variety of plots and methods in play that will captivate any group of spectators. The show starts with "Knot Tied," an amazing demonstration of knot releases using the most basic component of escape work - lengths of rope. First, you'll see Dan instantly tie a length of rope around his wrist and then be amazed as two lengths of rope, tightly tied together, melt apart. Finally, tied once more, the two pieces of rope visibly untie themselves seemingly at Harlan's will.

Next, with "Thumb Cuffs," Dan's hands are fastened together by spectators with not one but two pairs of daunting thumb cuffs. Hilarity ensues as Harlan not only escapes but manages to shackle his two assisting spectators together with the same cuffs. Then, "Hostage" brings this first section to a close. Though Dan's hands are tightly bound to his legs while in a sitting position, he is once again able to instantly free himself.

"Jacket Off" begins the next set of effects and utilizes a classic principle of magic in which a spectator's jacket, clearly threaded onto lengths of rope held in place by two spectators, is released completely unharmed. "Free Time" is an extremely visual escape from metal shackles and padlocks which gives the audience a real sense of déjà vu while, with "Thumb Tie," Harlan's thumbs are tightly tied together with two shoelaces by a spectator, yet he is able to pass a solid metal ring through the bonds and up his arms. He is even able to link himself to the spectator's locked arms yet, all the while, his thumbs are shown to be still tied together tightly and need to be cut apart at the effect's conclusion.

The spectator is the star in "Pull Through." Two lengths of ribbon threaded through rings and passed around a volunteer's waist are apparently pulled completely through her by two additional spectators. One can't reasonably call themselves an escape artist without presenting the classic strait jacket escape and in true Houdini fashion, "Dire Straights" pits Dan against a regulation jacket, but not without some comedic moments along the way. Finally, the show ends on a quiet yet powerful note with "Escape King," as a signed playing card is released from a ribbon with no visible signs as to how such a miracle could occur. Indeed, the card and ribbon are given away as a souvenir of a seeming impossibility.

Enjoy the show, then prepare to learn the secrets of a master as every nuance is revealed. Soon, you too will Pack Small, and Play Big!

Running Time Approximately: 1hr 14min


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Jan 23, 2013

Dan Harlan's one of those guys that I've had mixed feelings about for many years. I think he's clever, has many good ideas, and is a very innovative creator and thinker. I also think that his performances are extremely non-smooth and very choppy. At the same time, that's kind of "his thing." Further, his performances are full of (and I mean full of) puns and cheesey jokes/gags/etc. Yet on the other hand, most of his "cheese" is original - at the very least not hackneyed - "cheese."

All in all I'm a fan, but you may not be. That's your call. So here's the plan: we'll look at each one of the DVDs in this series individually. You'll find this intro at the beginning of each review of each individual DVD. It's, I think, a fantasy of a great many of us to have an act that fits entirely in small to medium sized case, yet still can dominate a room and play big. Thus, my main focus - though not my only focus - will be on how well put together the show is and whether or not it really does "Pack Small" and "Play Big."

Escape Artist Show

Not everything in this DVD is what I would call and escape. However, everything on the DVD is worthy of considering, particularly if you're unfamiliar with escape techniques. Harlan offers some novel approaches and ideas that are worthy of study. You'll also get a little bit of insight into organizing and creating a show. Unfortunately, as far as I could tell, there was no crediting of any kind on this DVD. So a bit of history is lost.

Personally, I would not use all of these effects in a single show. However, Harlan did have a nice steady rhythm and logical flow from each effect to the next. There's a lot to be learned from that. Further, he was actually a pretty good showman (better than I've seen him in the past) in this DVD. There is much to be learned from that as well.

From this DVD you'll get a handful of rope escapes that are simple to do, but look extremely deceptive. You'll get some fun thumb-tie and thumb-cuff stuff, chain escapes, straight jacket techniques and much more. The closer effect is more of a magic trick than an escape, but is an excellent addition to anyone's repertoire. Many of the effects looked a lot like magic tricks, more like penetration effects rather than escape effects (e.g., rope through body and rope through jacket). That's not a bad thing. In fact, those effects appealed to me more than the escapes did, but to each his own. I'm just making sure you know what you're getting. After watching this DVD, you may just want to Jump in the Fire (thank you Metallica) and start escaping in your shows. I've definitely got some ideas that I'm toying with adding to my repertoire

Finally, this case did pack pretty small. There are minimal props and you get a lot of mileage out of them. The show is very entertaining and flows very well. You could do this exact show (add your own personality) as is, and have a very solid show that truly does pack small and play big.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM.

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