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Evolution Deck

Solari, Bob

Bob Solari Magic

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Performer removes a BLUE card box from his jacket pocket. Upon opening the box he discovers the factory made a mistake and put a RED backed deck in the box, not only are the backs all RED, but the faces of the cards are all BLANK. Performer gives the deck a little shake and the faces of the cards have magically printed, but the backs are still RED. Not to worry, another little shake of the deck and the backs have now all changed to BLUE to match the card box ! No rough and smooth, No specially printed cards, No sleight of hand. Each EVOLUTION DECK is hand crafted with over 100 processes to manufacture ! Complete with VERY special Bicycle back deck and step by step instructions.

"Bob has take two classic plots, blank cards, printing and backs changing color; all done with one special deck. Yes! Two classic card effects combined into one entertaining routine all done with no sleight of hand! I really like this!"
Steve Dusheck
