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Dream Prediction Elite Version

Romhany, Paul

Paul Romhany

No Reviews Yet
You place an envelope containing a prediction in full view of your audience. A spectator can hold or place the prediction on a table. (The envelope containing the prediction has a clear window so the prediction can be seen in the envelope the ENTIRE TIME!)

Next, you ask your spectators to name ANYTHING! And this means ANYTHING. ( Lottery numbers, Names, Destinations, Dreams or anything that suits your presentation)

Upon opening the envelope the spectator reads the prediction out loud and EVERYTHING matches 100%.
The prediction is given to the spectator to keep as a reminder of the moment you predicted their deepest thoughts...

Includes everything you need right out of the box!

*Gimmicked envelopes have been designed by Mark Parker & Paul Romhany & produced by Alan Wong.

What People are saying...

"DREAM PREDICTION ELITE is the realization of true amazement in your audiences reactions. This is PURE GOLD - A REAL WINNER"- Banachek

"This is the ONLY Confabulation set-up I use in close-up situations - the quality of the envelopes and the wallet is top notch. Highly recommended!!" - Keith Barry

"This is by far one of the strongest open prediction routines I have seen. I never leave home without DREAM PREDICTION ELITE. The best version of any confabulation style routine for walk-about or parlor performances." - Neal Scryer


Dr. J. M. Ayala De Cedoz

Official Reviewer

Feb 03, 2015

Since I have had the Dream Prediction Elite I have had the chance to take it out into the real world and add it to my shows, so now I have at least had a chance to learn more about it.

What you are getting in this package is a nice leather wallet, a pad of papers, some custom envelopes and a DVD, all packaged in a very nice box.

The ad copy says that the wallet was custom made and maybe it was, and although it is very well made, there is nothing particularly special about it. If you do not like the design of the wallet that comes with this, the good news is that you do not have to use it - it is included because it gives a nice professional look. You can use other similar types of wallet if you choose, but I use the one included because it works just fine for me - it has a place for the writing pad, a place for the envelopes and a loop in the spine on the inside to store and carry a pen or pencil.

The envelopes are cleverly designed and these are the main modus operandi of the whole effect. They are well made and you get 10 of these in the box. These are not one-time use envelopes, but they are what I would consider 'individually dedicated'. Allow me to explain: Suppose I want to predict three things in my restaurant set - a travel destination, an amount of money and an anniversary date, one envelope would be used for that particular prediction. In another show, to predict the make of a car, the year of the model and the cost, then you would be using a different envelope. It depends on how you set up the envelopes to display the prediction in the window - this is why multiple envelopes are included. They will probably wear out after a long time of regular use, but it is hard to say even roughly how long it would take, or if they would wear out at all. It is not mentioned in the ad copy or on the DVD whether it is possible to buy more envelopes, though this would be a nice option. I would suggest contacting Paul Romhany or Alan Wong (who made the envelopes) if you end up needing more or needing replacements, though once you know how they are made, you could probably make them yourself.

The ad copy says that the spectators can hold the envelope during the performance and while this is true, you would need to be careful with this. If you set it on the table and leave it there, then you should not have any issues.

The DVD was not studio quality but rather a home video quality. The video was clear but the sound on my disc was a little lower than I would like, but it was still clear and easy to make out what he was saying. There are some so-so live demonstrations of the effect from Paul at a coffee shop - again not top-notch quality but okay.

The other live performance sort of bugged me a little bit becauase it was another performer doing this effect at the Magic Castle in a parlor setting, with props sized to suit the venue. Now, you might see this and think they give you some idea of how to construct the Dream Prediction Elite props for a parlor-sized audience - they do not. I let this go because it does work exactly the same as the close-up version that you get with this product, with a few slight changes in handling to compensate for the size difference. Once you learn how the close-up version works and how to use it, it would not be hard to make your own in other sizes if you so desire.

I am not sure how this bonus Magic Castle performance ended because the video cut out before the woman even finished reading the prediction - I am not sure if this is just on my disc or not.

I am not sure I quite agree with the $99 price tag on this because the DVD production quality is not great and the effect is not exactly earth-shattering, but if you are a worker then it is still reasonable. The props are not the issue because they are very well made - I just think this could have been a little lower.

All in all, I have found a lot of great uses for this product and it gets a great reaction in most places when you play it correctly. It is very versatile because it can be used as a stand-alone effect or it can be incorporated into your other mentalism and magic effects/routines. You can do any number of predictions with this and it will be easily at home whether you use it in your restaurant work or on a trade show floor.

If you like Confabulation-type effects and have ever wanted a version for close-up work (or even parlor/stage if you make up the props) that is straightforward, easy to do and takes up little space, this is the version for you.

Very highly recommended!
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