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Clever Eight

Brad Gordon

Stone Cold Magic

(Based on 1 review)
Powerful. Sharp. High-impact.

Just a few words that describe Brad Gordon's newly-revised manuscript, Clever 8. The original took us to new heights in close-up magic. This version approaches the stratosphere! If you're ready to take your performing to the next level, Clever 8 is your guidebook. Months of refinement went into these routines! If you're comfortable with just a few basic moves, then you're ready for Clever 8.

You'll learn killer routines like:

* The B'Lip Move... a method for literally throwing a double to the table like so much pocket change! You'll be pulling off this move within 5 minutes of reading it, but you could spend a year just developing ways to implement this jewel. They'll never suspect a thing!
* The Magician vs. Kreskin... a knock-out effect! They'll be talking about you for weeks with this one! It's so easy, you'll laugh when you learn the secret.
* Caps and Pens could very well develop into a future book all by itself! A modern masterpiece! A routine using a few simple colored pens…this is a reputation-maker.
* Trans-sticker... An effect so deep with possibilities! And possibilities is exactly what you're given. Brad provides an overload of variations, handling thoughts and ideas on this one.

Brad's patter ideas will take your performing vertical! He does a perfect job of walking you through just what to say and just what to do when performing each effect. You can't miss!

The book includes loads of other effects, including: Un-picked, Free Miracle, Copper-Silver Thought and more! Effects, useful moves and even a quick little gag thrown in for good measure….you'll get a total of 18 items plus dozens of Brad's valuable additional thoughts.

The first version of this manuscript sold out before the ink was even dry and this release tops that!

Very commercial. Tricks that are fun for you and the audience. A smart piece of magic literature, indeed.

Clever 8... an appropriate title for a brilliant work!
