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Drawing on October 1st, 2024


Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo Iba?ez

(Based on 1 review)
SHORT CHANGE PLUS is an ideal routine for close up magic. The magician tells a little story about a problem he had with money when paying for a dinner. During the story various funny situations with magical effects occur and everything ends with a surprising ending.

This is an easy trick to do and can be reset in an instant to do it again. Here he left a summary of the story:

"I am going to tell you a funny little story that happened to me in a hotel restaurant when paying for dinner.

When I ask the waiter for the bill, he tells me that the total is $50, so I took my money and counted $50 on the table, and I also counted $4 asa tip for the waiter.

The waiter takes the $50 but when I recount the bills he clearly counts$45 and tells me that $5 is missing.

Surprised I took the money and counted it again about the table slowly and I counted $50, but the waiter insisted that there is $45 and that there is$5 missing.

At this point we called the manager of the restaurant to come and count the money as if to end the argument, but the manager takes the money and when we count it on the table he slowly and clearly counts only $40 and tells me that it is actually $10 to go to$50.

At this point I told the manager that I didn't want any more trouble and told him that I was going to go to the hotel room to look for the $10 that is missing, but the manager of the restaurant told me that in reality, I not only had to pay the $50 for dinner but also had to pay $350 for all the dinners of the week that were missing and that the total debt is $400.

At that moment I took all the money that was on the table along with the waiter's tip and looking at the manager with a smile I told him to pay attention because I was going to solve this problem magically and I blew on the bills that I had in my hands.

And now, I clearly counted on the table, first the $4 tip from the waiter and now incredibly the other bills had magically turned into 4 $100 bills so I was able to pay the $400 bill!!!!.

Happy ending for everyone!!

(Based on an idea by the wonderful Professor Dai Vernon)


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Feb 14, 2023


Short changed is definitely how you will feel if you purchase Short Change Plus by Juan Pablo. For $40 you will receive approximately 10¢ worth of material, give or take a penny or two, to gimmick $496 worth of your own hard earned cash. I know some pretty dedicated magicians out there that may be interested in carrying around nearly $500 in cash to do an effect but if that is not you, I would cash out on this one.


You tell a spectator about your experience at dinner in a hotel. You leave a $4 tip for the tab clearly count out $50 for the meal. The waiter comes back and says you were short and he counts out $45 instead of $50. You recount it and it definitely is $50. The manager gets involved and counts once more but comes up with $40. This is truly perplexing. You ask to put it on the room bill but you already ran that up. Wait, you are a magician, you know what to do. You take the entire wad of simoleons and turn them into hundreds and happily pay for your meal.


The method utilizes a small gimmick and the preparation of a stack of bills. You provide your own bills which totals up with the cost of the trick $496. This is a DIY project and fair warning: Do not buy this unless you can afford the possibility of losing $500. It has happened.

Product Quality

A gimmick is provided and probably will disappoint anyone who was expecting a James Bond type of gimmick. Its intrinsic value is about 10¢ and the download is nineteen minutes long. The download is shot clearly and is dubbed over in English but it is easy to follow.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is a brief description of the effect and virtually the entire story line spelled out, so there is no deception there. However, as a consumer of magic (of which I buy more than I should) I get truly incensed when I open a package and the gimmicks are nothing but shards of paper or plastic and I paid a pretty penny for them.
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