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The Heinous Collection Vol.3

Hein, Karl

Koppertop Entertainment Inc

(Based on 1 review)
"Of all the new faces I've met in the past 10 years, Karl stands out as being one of the few magicians that I just know will be a huge success. It is rare for a magician to not only understand technique, but also entertainment and business. I feel comfortable booking Karl anytime and anywhere."
- Bill Malone

"I love this DVD! I remember the first time you FRIED me with Grandmother's BLT over 10 years ago and I have been doing it ever since. Breaking the Second Rule is simply brilliant and such a practical way to switch a deck. I'm going to start working on Sublime as I just started doing my multiple selection routine again...I LOVE 'the moment' where the knife comes out of the box! Also, I REALLY like your 'thoughts' on the psychotic prediction...this is something that I WILL start doing immediately..."
- Cody Fisher

"Karl Hein's diverse collection of material was really inspiring. Personal favorites include his sandwich-kickback routine (Grandmother's B.L.T.), all his work on false shuffles, and his terrific ending to multiple selection (Sublime)."
- Joshua Jay


This DVD contains several of Karl Hein's signature multiple selection effects with a few bonuses thrown in. These multiple selection routines involve 3-4 spectator's at a time in an engaging and fun way. All of them have multiple moments of magic for a layered effect that will leave a lasting impression on your audiences.

1. Grandmother's BLT - A 3 phase sandwich effect with an unexpected ending that will give even the most experienced magician "that moment".

2. Collecting Camaro - A combination of the "Collectors" and "Triumph" effects that is a great follow-up to any 4 Ace routine.

3. Breaking the 2nd Rule - A repeat card under the box routine with 3 spectators that is a great lesson in misdirection and routining.

4. Sublime - Karl's favorite ending to any multiple selection routine that is a reputation maker. Includes all the tips that make it practical to do.

5. Hat Trick - The performer uses his hat or a borrowed hat to find 3 selections and produce a bottle of your choosing.

Bonus Effect: Psychotic Prediction - This is the routine that Karl didn't want to give away. 3 or 4 named cards appear in an impossible location.

Bonus Effect: Sponge Ball Prediction - A really great way to end just about any sponge ball routine!


James Sanden

Official Reviewer

Mar 06, 2015

Following the release of “Heinstein’s Dream” and “Catch-Up,” Karl Hein has now released a 3 DVD set on his card work. The set covers a range of material, including a number of new ideas, as well as handlings of some classic effects. The DVD’s also include live performances of every routine for real world audiences, allowing the viewer to see genuine reactions and how the handlings are adjusted for the spectators.

Volume 3 is filled with routines for several spectators. This includes a version of collectors, card under box, a fun kicker for a sandwich routine, how to produce multiple selections from a hat, an approach to producing multiple thought of cards, plus Mr. Hein’s handling of “card in lime.” The disc ends with an interesting idea for how to end a standard sponge ball routine. This was my favorite of the discs, with highlights being his sandwich kicker, his approach to producing cards and loads from a hat, and his extensive work and thinking with both the multiple selection routine and “card in lime.” Mr. Hein’s approach to card in lime as the finale to his multiple selection routine, done while strolling, is as practical as this effect can be, and is clearly based on years of experience.

Both the instruction and production are top notch and continue with the excellent standards set in Mr. Hein’s other recent releases. He uses close-up and over the shoulder shots, as well as freeze framing, for the instruction of the sleights, then switches to a wider shot when teaching the routines. It’s the sign of a thoughtful, deliberate teacher, committed to quality and excellent instruction.

These discs are clearly direct from the repertoire of a working pro. While not all the effects may suit your style, there are some that surely will, and others offer ideas worth applying to other effects. The level of detail, work and thought found in the explanations demonstrate how much effort Mr. Hein puts in to his work, as well as how carefully he thinks about teaching his effects. If you are looking for practical, real world material that has a strong impact, are interested in learning some great false shuffles and cuts, or want a little of both, this DVD set has much to offer.
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