Win all of these!
Drawing on October 1st, 2024


Chatelain, Mickael

Gi'Mick Magic

(Based on 1 review)
Do the test at home!
Take a simple coin, any coin of any currency.

What do you think, HEAD or TAILS?

Throw the coin in the air... let it fall on a table for example.
Did you get it right? Heads or tails?

Was it luck, intuition or influence?
Did you influence chance?
Can you guess EVERY TIME which side will fall?

Mickael proposes you today a DIABOLICAL method ! A method that will fool your spectators every time ! A method so INCREDIBLE, that even professional magicians will be taken in!

Read the description below and tell yourself that you will be able to do it in only a few minutes!


Ask a spectator to take out of his pocket 3 coins, 3 different coins, if possible, and put them on the table.
Take out 3 small pieces of paper from your wallet, and place them on the table as well.
The 3 papers are numbered from 1 to 3 on the back.
Tell your audience that this is an experiment to see if your hunch is right or not! Explain that you'll check it at the end.
Now invite your spectator to take one of the three coins. Ask him to throw it in the air above the table.
The spectator does it... the coin spins in the air to fall back into the middle of the table...

Ask your spectator to tell you which side is up?
TAILS, he says.
Now ask him to move the coin to one of the 3 papers, number 1, 2 or 3! (no forcing).

Paper #2? Ok!

The tails side up coin is now placed in front of paper #2!
Now invite the spectator to do the same with a second coin... The coin spins in the air and falls back on the table to finally stop heads up this time!
As before, the spectator advances the coin to one of the two remaining papers... the #1 or the #3

The #3 paper? Perfect!

The heads up coin is then placed in front of the #3 paper!
Finally, the last coin is thrown in the air and lands heads up as well!
As for the 2 previous coins, it is simply places in front of the last remaining paper, namely the #1!

Could you have known everything in advance?

Slowly, pick up and turn over paper number 1 with your fingertips and show it to your viewer!
On the back of it, in big black letters, is written HEADS!
INCREDIBLE! The coin in front of paper number 1 is on the HEADS side!

Continue with paper number 2!

The coin in front of paper number 2, is tails up!
Turn over paper number 2 with your fingertips and show it too!
Here again you are right, because in black it says tails!
How could you know in advance?

Now show the last coin, the one in front of paper number 3.
Here again, slowly turn the paper over and show what you had written in advance!
In big black letters is written HEADS! The coin, of course, is heads up.

A perfect match! A mystery, a miracle!

The spectator flips the coins himself and then decides on their final location! And yet you knew everything in advance!

Always in your wallet! No preparation! A mentalism effect that can be presented anywhere, with any coins.

Highlights:A real miracle! The method is DIABOLIC!No error, 100% reliableNo forcing or other !No manipulation, IMMEDIATE reset!So clean, really INCREDIBLE!No change... 3 coins and 3 papers, nothing else!You slowly turn over each paper, no suspicious gestures etc!The only trick you will ever have in your wallet that requires nothing more than 3 regular coins!


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Jun 04, 2023


There is an old expression which goes “If it sounds too good to be true it probably is”. Imagine if you will, going to an electronics superstore and you were looking for the ultimate stereo system. The knowledgeable salesman sells you on the most amazing system on the planet. You can’t wait to take it home and turn it on. When you open the box there are just loose parts in the box, the diodes, switches, integrated circuits, the case, etc. Instead of it being all assembled, which you had expected, you have to solder the entire unit yourself. Never did he say this was a kit or nowhere on the box it says that this is a DIY project. I would imagine that you would be very peeved to say the least. Well, read on……


Heads & Tails by Mickael Chatelain looks like a miracle prediction we all wish we had. Three pieces of paper are placed on the table and you hand three coins to a spectator(s). They do what they wish to the coins, flip them, spin them or simply close their eyes and place them down. Whichever way they handle the coins, they place one in front of every piece of paper. Miraculously, you have predicted the outcome (heads or tails) correctly for each and every coin.


The method involves the use of three very cleverly designed and intricately assembled gimmick billets. By just pushing the piece of paper forward you can control the outcome of the prediction. There is no additional handling or linguistic subterfuge. This is a very impressive effect.

Product Quality

Unfortunately……you are provided with only the raw materials to build the gimmicks yourself. For $35 you are given about $2 worth of material and a 35 minute download on how to assemble the gimmicks yourself. Several of the gimmicks are the size of a pin head. Given the average age of the magicians I see at most of the clubs I attend, I doubt many of them can actually see the gimmicks let alone have the skill set to build the props.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy would have been 100% accurate had you been provided with pre-build gimmicks. Nowhere in the ad copy does it say that this is a DIY project or indicate you are only provided with the pieces to build the props yourself. This is the height of deception as far as I’m concerned. This would have been a 5 star review if they stated that this was a DIY project.
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