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Jay Sankey

Sankey Magic

(Based on 2 reviews)
When it comes to magic with playing cards, 'sandwich effects' (where a selected card appears between two other cards) have always been very popular with magicians and audiences alike.

INSEPARABLE takes the classic sandwich effect to an outrageous new level. The selected card not only appears between two other cards held by the spectator, but all three cards are found FUSED TOGETHER INTO A SINGLE STRIP OF CARDBOARD!

A truly LETHAL magic combination.

And if you add a two-card transposition phase to this already shocking effect, you have the kind of outstanding magic with which you can confidently end any show.

INSEPARABLE includes specially-printed Bicycle playing cards and an exciting full-length DVD teaching several different handlings and presentations.

Add this mind-bending card routine to your repertoire today!

Running Time Approximately 1hr 17min


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Feb 16, 2010

Pre-Review "Disclosure"/"Disclaimer":

Ok many of you probably know that Jay Sankey and I are good friends and that we've worked together on a project or two in the past, and we also are consultants to one another.

I get feedback from him on my stuff, and he gets feedback from me on a lot of his stuff. Additionally, I do not receive any sort of compensation whatsoever for reviewing or "pitching" his products (I was involved a fair bit in this project. In the opening introduction, I'm credited with helping break through some walls that Jay was hitting with the concept).

I tell you that up front just to sort of clear the air and to let you know that when I give Jay feedback, I'm brutally honest with him. I tell him if I think he has a crappy idea or a good idea. He wouldn't have it any other way, nor would I. So I want to make it clear that Jay's products get the same level of scrutiny as any other products I review.

On to the review:
This is a great effect. First of all for only $25.00 bucks you get two gimmicks and an instructional DVD. There are several different handling ideas on this DVD. Plus you get a little insight into the way Jay thinks about magic and how this effect came to be. You get some insight into sandwich effects and what makes them so commercial. As is typical with a SM product, it's full of various ideas that will fit various different performance styles and venues.

For my money, the best effect is the two card transpo. The effect is that you show the audience that you found three cards in your deck that were uncut and still stuck together. The Ace, Two and Three of Diamonds. You then give the audience the three stuck together cards (comes with the DVD) and you then show a card, say a 10 of clubs. Make a magic move, then suddenly you have the 2 of diamonds in your hand, and the spectator turns over the three stuck together cards to show that the 10 of clubs is now stuck uncut between the Ace and Three.

This is a killer way of doing a 2 card transpo. Also, some of the other handling ideas are excellent follow up effects to a sandwich effect. There are handling ideas for the transpo, for causing the cards to fuse together, and more. If you do close up, this is a Gem for sure, and for $25.00 bucks it's worth the risk to find out for yourself.
(Top ▲)

Gordon Meyer

Official Reviewer

Jan 12, 2009

Inseparable is a very strange card trick. At the end, you're left with three playing cards that are joined at the sides, as if they haven't been completely cut during the manufacturing process. As Jay Sankey says on the accompanying DVD, it's an usual physical object and that sort of thing can result in particularly strong magic.

I prefer presenting Inseparable as a transposition effect instead of a sandwich trick. My reasoning is that the strange strip-o-cards is better introduced and explained, and then used in performing some magic, instead of being produced as a surprise finish. But the nice thing is that Sankey has provided what you need to present it either way, provided you use red-backed Bicycle cards.

There are no printed instructions included, everything is on the DVD. There's an hour of instruction on the disc, which seems like a lot for a relatively simple trick, but the extra material is worthwhile. Sankey demonstrates several different techniques and encourages you to play, or "jam," with the prop to create routines of your own. The video is well-shot and lit, and the menus are straightforward and simple to use. A very refreshing improvement compared to many magic DVDs that sacrifice usability in the name of "cool."

One chapter on the disc is particularly nice; in it Sankey discuses the evolution of, and the reasoning behind, Inseparable. If you've ever looked at a Sankey trick and wondered "What the hell was he thinking?," (and who hasn't done that?) now you'll be able to find out.

Inseparable is a well-produced product with quality instruction. If the trick appeals to you, don't hesitate to buy it.
(Top ▲)