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Stone Cold Magic

Jeff Stone

Stone Cold Magic

(Based on 4 reviews)

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Stone Cold Magic Today!

Get ready to experience 17 Effects That Will Stone Cold Kill Your Audience! Imagine a playing card vanishing right out of your hand and right under the nose of your spectators - Sardeen Window is the ultimate Close-up Street vanish. On Stone Cold Magic, You'll find very visual and totally commercial card magic and much, much, much more!

Included are 13 killer effects, almost 2 full hours of incredible original magic as well as outtakes and 4 bonus effects, including The Mistress Card Principle and The Spectral Chill Concept - two rockin' ideas to take your magic to the next level.

Check out the list of killer effects below! Check out the bonus material! With almost 2 full hours of incredible magic, you can't go wrong!

Ace Bandage:
An updated version of a classic Paul LePaul effect. Four indifferent cards, one at a time, visibly transform into The Four Aces.

Sardeen Window:
The most incredible invisible palm yet! Watch your audience gasp in disbelieve as a card vanishes right before their eyes.

Little People:
An amazingly commercial card revelation with plenty of comedy and lots of midgets!

Cause a card to visibly shrink to half of it's original size!

The Target Card:
A masterpiece from David Winkler; the ultimate spectator finds the card effect where the deck is formed into a gun to launch a card invisibly from one spectator to another.

Keep Your Eye On The Joker:
Whoa! Hold on to your hats. Don't blink or you'll miss the Joker's insanely visual transformation into The Four Aces.

The WTC Move:
Teach your audience the secret WTC move, and still blow their minds as the move happens right under their noses.

The tragic story of The Kings being removed from their lofty thrones, oh yeah, and an unbelievably visual vanish of The Kings one at a time!

Jackson Hole:
Ok, you might as well stop here! Learn Brad Gordon's blip move and you've got the most visual two-card transpo ever!

Counterfeit Cards:
So, all you have is a bunch of blank cards; bummer; luckily you can magically print an entire deck of cards, and everything is examinable.

My Psychic Deck:
From the Mind of Jason Montoya comes a beautiful twist on the Chicago Opener plot. Your deck knows the gender of its audience.

A Rat At The Table:
Never play cards with a Rat! You just might have a Royal Ace Trick. A streamlined handling of the classic Gambler vs. Magician Theme.

Ace Freely:
If you want a visually stunning appearance of an Ace then this is your bag baby!

Bonus effects:
The Mistress Card Principle:

Yet another demon spawn from the mind of Jason Montoya. I say demon because this subtlety is so devilish and so devastating that real working pros will absolutely add this principle their repertoire immediately.

The Spectral Chill Concept:
Resurrecting a long dead principle with a modern twist that will literally have the spectators thinking that playing cards are possessed by the supernatural.

Jay Sankey's Triangle Pop-up plus three selections equals a startling, visual, animated three-card revelation.

Stone Cold Color Change:
A rockin' visual color change of a playing card!

You'll also be able to check out the unreleased footage of the original production of Stone Cold Magic on DVD. As if the 13 effects and 4 bonus effects weren't enough, you'll get to watch the bloopers from the original video shoot. This footage has never been released, and the original taping, due to technical problems, has been scrapped, so this is rare footage of bloopers and gags that will have you on the floor doubled over with laughter.

13 effects, plus 4 bonus effects, plus hilarious unreleased footage, plus gags, plus an entertaining teacher, plus lots of references to midgets equals one killer magic DVD! For $25.00 bucks, you just can't go wrong!

Running Time Approximately 3 hr
