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Bisection RED

Armanujjaman Abir

Empty Hand Productions

(Based on 1 review)
We all know the classic illusion where a lady is cut in half: Bisection by Armanujjaman Abir is great, fun and magical "miniature" version of that very same plot: A pocket sized "Modern Art" if you will!


A card is selected by the spectator and a piece of cardboard with a dashed cutting line is folded around the center of the chosen card - with just a snap of your fingers the card seems to be magically cut in half without any moves or whatsoever as you slide the top half of the card aside... Magically and visually the top half begins to move on its own and eerily slides back into position only to reveal the fully restored card.

Comes with pre-made ready to go gimmick and everything else you need to perform this right away.


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Apr 12, 2024


No matter how far removed one is from magic, just about everybody has heard of the “Sawing a Woman in Half” illusion. This iconic illusion is the inspiration for Bisection by Armanujjaman Abir, according to its creator. Unfortunately, comparing this minuscule trick to that classic illusion is like comparing a trip across town to the moon landing. Bisection is the “Sawing a Woman in Half” illusion without the music, lighting, sound effects, saw, theatrics, suspense and tension.


The performer fans out a deck of cards and asks a spectator to pick one. A card is chosen and it can even be signed. It is displayed and a small cardboard band depicting a pair of scissors and a cut line is placed around the card. The performer now makes a magical gesture and the top half of the card is pulls to the right, indicating the card is now bisected in half. The two half are then brought back together and the band is removed displaying a complete and unharmed card.


The method requires a gimmicked card and very little sleight of hand. The only move needed is a double turnover which is made easy by the thickness of the gimmick. The rest of the trick is showmanship.

Product Quality

The gimmick comes already constructed and seems to be of decent quality. I personally am not a fan of gimmicks made with elastic thread because I think they are subject to a lot of abuse and have a limited lifespan. Because they are made by hand, they tend to be expensive and the limited lifespan is an issue for me. The video is only a few minutes long and is very poorly presented. It is dubbed in English which is not its biggest issue. For some reason, it is posted on a site where you cannot expand it to watch it. The view is so small it makes reading the English almost impossible. The visible window is smaller than a modern cell phone which makes it difficult to learn from.

Ad Copy Integrity

Like any other trick sold, the ad copy is designed to entice the purchaser to buy. Comparing this effect to a major illusion is laughable, however if you like the idea of a cut card self-repairing maybe you would like this.
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