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Magic of the Pendragons #4

Charlotte and Jonathan Pendragon and L&L Publishin

(Based on 1 review)
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Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves - the mechanics are just a small part - but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a breathtaking moment of pure magic.

Now, for the first time ever on video, Jonathan and Charlotte Pendragon, the "First Couple" of magic and perhaps the greatest exponents of grand illusion ever to grace a stage, lift away the veil and show you the real secrets of stage illusion - the insider information that could only be gained by performing in over 50 countries for the last quarter of a century.

  • History
  • Harness Explanation
  • Demonstration
  • The Hoop
  • 360 Degree Levitation Discussion
  • 360 Degree Levitation Demonstration
  • 360 Degree Levitation Hoop Passes
  • Advice
  • Description
  • Demonstration
  • Introduction And History
  • Blammo And Explanation
  • Leg Drop Switch
  • Interlude History
When the history of magic is written, Jonathan Pendragon will be remembered as one of its most creative performers."


Christopher Carey

Official Reviewer

Oct 06, 2009

The final volume in THE MAGIC OF THE PENDRAGONS is probably the most informational. Five illusions are covered and like the previous volumes, an enormous amount of real-world advice and tips is given away.

The first two illusions, The Broom Suspension and Levitation contain the real work on making hoop passes. This was fascinating and there's one tip by Jonathan that he learned from watching Richiardi that's worth the price of admission. Did you know Richiardi's real name was Aldo Izquierdo? I didn't.

The Impalement is explained, but honestly, I just don't see how anyone that's not into body-building could pull this off the way The Pendragons used to. Due to Jonathan's injuries (he was mauled by a big cat in 1992 and fell on an arrow in 2006) they don't perform this piece anymore.

The Election, a fun switch piece with the appearance of The Pendragons' dog, Cashmere, is performed and explained and I really loved this piece. It doesn't have the drama of some of their more well-known pieces, but it has the most wonderful method of doing a cloaked switch on stage. Again, this one tip is so valuable to budding illusionists that it's impossible to put a price on.

Finally, Interlude is explained and it's a fitting ending to the entire volume. It's visually stunning, physically demanding and probably the most sensual illusion these two ever performed. It's a reminder of why The Pendragons' brand of "physical grand illusion" is so special and why we're not likely to ever see an illusion team like this again.
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