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U.S. Toy Magic

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Company Description:

The U.S. Toy Magic division is dedicated to promoting the wonders of the mysterious and fascinating world of magic. We provide an immense selection and a full line of challenging stage magic supplies, tricks, videos, and magic books. It also includes a clowning section with videos, costumes, professional make-up, and so much more. Check us out through our catalog, or at our store, the world's largest magic shop, located in Leawood, KS (a Kansas City suburb).

Thomas Sciacca

Jun 09, 2010

U.S. Toy and Magic, is the closest place for me to buy props/tricks directly-in my case, I visit the one in the Kansas City area (103rd and Stateline). I don't consider the magic shop there to be the most up to the moment, but then, there are SOOOO MANY EFFECTS out there. Great selection of DVDS, and books as well. Within books, these rare finds, some of them going back to the 1940's-and I'm talking about original copies, from Magic Inc., and other publishers. Books by Marlo, Ganson, Al Leech, Eddie Joseph, and numerous other masters.
Service is always solid-occasionally they'll put a non-magician in there who can't demo stuff or answer magic questions, but theyr'e helpful as they can be.
Two guys, Ryan and August are GREAT so far as demos, and they ARE knowledgeable and experienced magicians. Not just out to sell tricks, theyr'e helpful in sharing tips, secrets, resources etc..
My experience with this shop however is that prices can sometimes be jacked up FAR beyond what I can and DO pay shopping online. I do a lot of price comparison, so I'm gonna notice stuff like that! The manager, Dave, is also a heck of a nice guy, helpful, and also has a magic ministry in his 'other life'.
Part of I think ANY good magic shop, is running into other magicians and sharing effects. I met Jason Dean ('cutting edge cards and coins') and a friend of his here, really good performers, and also goldmines of reference information. Shop online sure, but it's the person to person interaction, which
any good magic shop provides naturally. It's a big place, there's alot to look at. Finally, owner Phil manages to get top performers in there-Carney, Gertner, Kranzo-so yeah, it's good place-just check prices elsewhere before you drop any $ here.
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I bought the Magic Die for more than 600 dollars and it is an abosolutely fastastic trick if you are wiling to spend that kind of money. But it took several transatlantic calls to finally get hold of the one person who was able to give information, take the order and confirm availability. I am frustrated how time consuming - luckkily phone calls are relatively cheap - it is to do business with most US magic dealers. Granted,it is difficult to be familiar with thousands of products, but one should not have to wait for over a week to get an e-mail reply for items that are advertised with a full page in Genii Magazine. Kaarlo von Freymann, Helsinki, Finland
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Jan 07, 2006

Great prices. Not such a hot online shop. There home store is great bcause they are huge and they have a lot of products. The owner doesn't really know a lot about magic in general he just knows about his products and thats just a little bit about each product. The rest of the staff is not exactly magic afficiendos but they are eager to help you.
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Jonathan Rice

Jan 07, 2005

It is not the best online shop, but it has a great showroom if you ever get down to Kansas City. They have one of the largest magic shops I have ever seen. I reccomend them, as they have great prices and a very friendly staff.

5 out of 5
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